Friday, July 23, 2010

Luxor, Egypt

Reconstructed pillars in the center of Temple of Karnak.

Looking for Wai in these pillars.

If I had one wish, it would to make it standard for all countries to use the metric system. I rarely convert kilos to pounds, inches to centimeters, deg F to C. Anyway, the hottest day in Luxor was 49 deg C which is about 120 deg F. Said to have felt like 130 degrees. We even avoided the hottest part of the day by visiting the air conditioned Luxor museum.

Around 5:30 we headed to Temple of Karnak and it still felt like we had waterfalls of sweat. Even my sandals began to melt and fall apart! If I ever go back to Luxor I would spend more time in the temple of Karnak. Walking through the giant pillars, rows of statues, towering obleisks, and endless amounts of hieroglyphics. It covers about two square kilometers and we only saw maybe a third of it.

After we ran out of water, our only Oasis was a clean air conditioned Mc Donalds. I hate McD. In the US they're awful, internationally they're considered high class... I just don't understand. This one has multiple levels with windows that looks over the Luxor temple. I'm sad to say I enjoyed an Oreo McFlurry and an ice cold sprite looking out at the temple.
Sorry, these posts are out of order. I have had very limited connection between now and Egypt. I'm currently @ the Dead Sea in Jordan.


  1. hate mcdonalds?! you must have never eaten a filet-o-fish or vanilla cone!

    hehe nice pics and take care in that heat

  2. The Dead Sea is way awesome. I'd say that's a surreal experience!
